Wednesday 12 October 2022

Stage 27. Camaiore to Lucca. Lucca at last! (Twice).

An absolutely faultless early morning flight experience yesterday brought me to Pisa on a lovely sunny morning, and, for complicated reasons connected to my decision to experiment with having my bags transferred every day instead of using public transport and a static base, I took the train to Lucca, where, after doing an excellent impression of a dithery old dear while trying to get into today's hotel, I was able to leave my suitcase.

Then on a bus full of hormones, aka teenage girls, along narrow mountain roads, trees whacking against the side, and snaking finally down into Camaiore, the driver going for the world speed record over speed bumps, sending me soaring out of my seat at the back.

It was good to be back in Camaiore with a healed foot, which nonetheless twinged nostalgically as I trod the same streets.  A quiet night, and off at last to Lucca, a car driver screeching to a halt, begging me to stop, taking a photo and driving off after wishing me "Buon Camino"!
A variety of road and woods today, some retracing the bus route, then a stop in a delightful pilgrim hostel, at Valpromaro where I fell in with my day's companions; 2 Swiss and an Italian who is walking from Venezia to Puglia.
Then finally the walls of Lucca Hove into view, and, after a shower, a gelato and coffee in the shadow of the beautiful San Michele church.

1 comment:

  1. Excuse my ignorance... are the ski poles de rigueur? Is this what distinguishes the true pilgrim from the mere pedestrian?


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