Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Stage 12: Mortara to Garlasco. Poppies and the search for a stamp. (Part 2).

Generally, the signs in Piemonte and Lombardy have been very good, with one exception.
And I'm not sure whether the name of this place (the wolf's shadow) is supposed to strike fear, but they seem to be laughing to me.
Tromello is a pretty medieval town, 
as is Garlasco, but sadly, the latter stank of drains pretty much everywhere, by the time I got to the (completely unsigned) station for another ride on possibly the worst train in Italy.


  1. What, no pictures of the worst train in Italy!

  2. For all those intending to travel.....nose plugs essential.

  3. Wrinklitourist11 May 2022 at 20:08

    Patience, Anon 1.

  4. Should have nicked one of those wolves for a driveway

  5. wrinklitourist12 May 2022 at 12:26

    I know, Anon 3, I was tempted, but walking away with a wolf's head sticking out of my rucksack might have been a bit of a giveaway.


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Pilgrim Passport stamps on the Italian Via Francigena

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