Friday, 6 May 2022

Stage 8: Viverone to Santhià and beyond. Magic woods and rice fields. (Part 1).

This morning I took a taxi back to Viverone, picking up where I caught the bus yesterday. The rain gods were once again in evidence, along with their friend the cuckoo. The first few kilometres take you up to Roppolo, where hopes of coffee were dashed, as there wasn't a bar, but I did pass an unexpected wood workshop in an art Nouveau house. 

 Then into lush woods, dripping and fragrant, leading into Ugo the Elf's magic chestnut and beech woods, 
where no cuckoos called, but a chestnut doe bounded silently across the track ahead of me. There's still a long way to go.
 Once out of the woods two cuckoos called as I approached Cavaglià, Ugo clearly bans them from his woods. In Cavaglià no pilgrim stamp was available as the Via information shop was closed while its staff carried out path repairs. But I did find a good coffee and a stamp elsewhere. 

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