Thursday, 5 May 2022

(Cuckoos and) Other gods are available. Stage 7 Ivrea to Viverone (Part 1)

Italy has laid on the rain for me; new readers should know that bringing rain to wherever I go is my forte, and the rain gods had answered my summons today with torrential rain in Ivrea when I arrived this morning.  So into a cafe for multiple croissants and coffee, via a small Via Francigena booth where I finally got my Ivrea stamp for the pilgrim passport, and was photographed for posterity by the lady who ran it.

By the time breakfast was over, the rain had eased off and I soon cleared the town, passing through barley fields and lush woods;  rowan and acacia blossom have been the perfume notes today.  It was good to be moving again after a couple of weeks' pre-expedition rest.

The Via wound past a pretty lake and through more woods, along tarmac lanes, while a cuckoo called loudly, and then into Bollengo, where, curiously, Neptune guards the crossroads. (Was he to blame for the rain?) Here I stopped for refreshment, meeting some damp French pilgrims who had been caught in the earlier downpour.


  1. Love the colours in that shot B - really striking picture.

  2. Wow, I remember the rain well, but no trains?

  3. Wrinklitourist7 May 2022 at 18:16

    Thank you for the compliment, first anon, and just hold your horses second anon.


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Pilgrim Passport stamps on the Italian Via Francigena

The pilgrim passport stamp is useful in authenticating your journey, demonstrating your validity as a pilgrim and for giving credence...