Friday, 13 May 2022

Stage 13b: Villanova to Pavia. Fluffy woods and penance. (Part 1).

After resting well yesterday afternoon and a fretful night regretting my out-wimpery, I decided I couldn't get away with not finishing the 13th stage and resolved to spend the morning of my "rest day" completing those last 10 kilometres, which some could view as a penance for bailing yesterday.  

A friend of mine, who has made several pilgrimages of a more spiritual and arduous kind than mine, and hereinafter referred to as The Pilgrim, has observed how once the journey is well underway, there is an energy which draws you on. I find it pays to listen to his reflections. So the desire to move on that I found myself experiencing this morning may have been more than simply guilt.

Equally, I was spurred on by the kind words of Lauren at City Hospice and those of you who have sent encouraging messages in the comments section (please keep them coming) to bite the bullet and get on with it. So I caught the train back to Villanova, and its fantastically well-appointed station (as yesterday's photo will attest.)

1 comment:

  1. The path has its own energy and momentum. Glad you're finding the rhythm. Sending much encouragement from a fellow pilgrim.


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