Monday 3 August 2020

Echevennoz to Aosta (Part I - the pilgrim in the woods)

Today's cooler walk started with an unsuccessful search in Echevennoz for a stamp for the Pilgrim Passport;  there isn't one, go to the tourist office in Etroubles.  It was closed when I passed through on Sunday, so I've missed that one.  

Today was a day of conifers, walnut trees and orchards of apples, pears and plump purple plums.  The walnuts are just about to ripen, and there are clearly no ravening grey squirrels here to make off with the crop as there are at home.  Flowing alongside the Via in the early part of today's walk through the woods is the Ru Neuf, in most places running over pale grey clay and pebbles in contrast to the concrete of yesterday's Ru Mazod.  I missed my mandatory two-hour work out at the gym today, but fortunately the local authorities had supplied equipment along the way, 
and later I met an overly-hirsute pilgrim.

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Pilgrim Passport stamps on the Italian Via Francigena

The pilgrim passport stamp is useful in authenticating your journey, demonstrating your validity as a pilgrim and for giving credence...