Friday, 7 August 2020

Stage 4 - Chatillon to Verres (Part III)

The village of Reclou stole my heart, but was followed by yet more steep climbing, before reaching the final summit, in the top left,
after which I descended through olive groves, (the slopes here have a Mediterranean climate) to walk alongside the Dora Baltea 

towards the station at Verres, where helpful signs, purporting to direct me there, actually took me to the town recycling centre.  

After a well- deserved limonata in the station bar (the guide book had this as a 19k walk, but my route tracker indicated more like 23) it was back to Aosta and a shower.

1 comment:

  1. Well Traveller, I am so impressed by your intrepid and arduous journey, but judging from the photos well worth it. I have never heard of Bard Castle or any of the other places. The old Roman bridges are perfect in their symmetry, almost up to the standard of the humour which comes through very well.


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