Saturday 15 April 2023

Stage 34b and 35a. Ponte a Tressa to Buonconvento. Undulating hills, mud and overoptimistic bus riding.

Tuscany knows how to roll; a beautiful stage through constantly undulating hills, and for the most part on dirt tracks, dirt being the overriding sensation after days of heavy rain. The claggy soil in parts clung determinedly to my boots, until I was walking with an extra layer of weight on my feet. But the weather was dry, with breezy hilltops and baking valleys. And spectacular views as I crested each new hill.

Despite having three excellent apps giving live location coverage, I used none on my bus journey this morning, thinking I'd easily recognise the stop, only to get off about 15 stops too early and walk for 20 minutes before the next bus came along. Consequently a slightly longer day than intended.

The four-house hamlet of Quinciano sports this disproportionate grand manor and private chapel, 
and then the Via ran parallel to a railway line for several kilometres (lo! A WG tunnel and ruin!)
I reached the pilgrim hostel at Ponte d'Arbia at lunch time, to find this rusty chap and no one about to stamp my pilgrim passport. 5km further on under lowering skies,
I finished the walk at Buonconvento, a walled medieval city, where the tourist office was helpfully closed.


  1. Looks very lovely! Hope the weather stays kind.

  2. Nice to see you on the road again. Go well.


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Pilgrim Passport stamps on the Italian Via Francigena

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