Saturday, 29 April 2023

Stage 43: Sutri to Campagnano di Roma. Nuts, whole hazelnuts, as far as the eye can see. Part 1.

After a brief passage through the Etruscan park, (end of stage 42) a long busy tarmac stretch, where I encountered this Casa Cantoniera. 
I've seen several of these in my various bus journeys up and down the Via Cassia. As far as I can make out, (Italian only on Wikipedia) they were built to house roadmen (and their families) who were responsible for the maintenance of a 3 or 4km stretch of the road. They also appear to have offered emergency accommodation to stranded travellers. Many are now derelict, and some are for sale, if you fancy it.
Thereafter, a good long stretch, some of it uphill, but mostly fairly flat, through hazel groves in every direction, very much the background on today's canvas.


  1. How much would a Casa Cantoniera set you back?

    1. Wrinklitourist1 May 2023 at 05:58

      Here you are, Anon, got a couple of hundred thousand euros?


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